Cute Brown Spinning Flower

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I Like Winter....

    Inilah Pengetahuan Tentang Musim Dingin....
 Meteorological winter is the season having the shortest days and the lowest average temperatures, which have the coldest weather. This corresponds to the months of December, January and February in the Northern Hemisphere, and June, July and August in the Southern Hemisphere. The coldest average temperatures of the season are typically experienced in January in the Northern hemisphere and in June or July in the Southern hemisphere. Nighttime predominates the winter season, and in some regions it has the highest rate of precipitation as well as prolonged dampness because of permanent snow cover or high precipitation rates coupled with low temperatures, precluding evaporation. Blizzards often develop and cause many transportation delays. A rare meteorological phenomenon encountered during winter is ice fog, which comprises ice crystals suspended in the air; it occurs only at very low temperatures, below about –30°C (–22°F)[1

Accumulations of snow and ice are mostly associated with winter in the Northern Hemisphere, due to the large land masses there. In the Southern Hemisphere, the more maritime climate and the relative lack of land south of 40°S makes the winters milder; thus, snow and ice are less common in inhabited regions of the Southern Hemisphere. In this region, snow occurs every year in elevated regions such as the Andes, the Great Dividing Range in Australia, and the mountains of New Zealand, and also occurs in the southerly Patagonia region of South America. Snow occurs year-round in Antarctica.... (maaf pake B.Inggris)
      Beberapa contoh hewan di musim dingin:
*Beberapa binatang di bawah ini akan berubah warna saat musim dingin tiba..
1.Berung Kutub (Pollar Bear)
2.Pinguin (Penguin)
3.Serigala Kutub (Pollar Wolf)
4.Kelinci Kutub (Snowshoe)
5.Belebis Kurub (Ptarmigan)
6.Cerpelai (Ermine)
7.Rusa Kutub (Karibu)
                                     Salah satu contoh,terdapat di bawah ini:
*Ermine (cerpelai), juga dikenal dengan musang berekor pendek, adalah anggota paling kecil dari famili musang. Ermine adalah hewan malam hari (meski kadang-kadang mereka keluar juga di siang hari) saat ini banyak ditemukan di daerah kutub Asia, Eropa, dan Amerika Utara. Lihat bagaimana hewan ini merubah warna punggungya dari coklat menjadi keputih-putihan di musim dingin.           
      Beberapa aktifitas yang dilakukan saat menjelang musim dingin tiba:
1.Bobsledding = olahraga musim dingin di mana tim membuat waktunya berjalan turun sempit, berliku-liku,    membelok, trek tertutup es-tujuan-dibangun di sebuah kereta luncur steerable.
2.Ski = kegiatan meluncur di atas salju dengan menggunakan papan fiberglass disebut ski yang terikat di kaki pemain ski 'dengan ski bindings.
3.Hal Sledding=- aktivitas bertenaga gravitasi menggunakan kereta luncur meluncur menurun.
4.Snowball =  sebuah permainan fisik di mana bola salju yang dilempar dengan tujuan memukul orang lain.
5.Snowboarding=  olahraga yang umum di mana peserta tali papan komposit berdiri dan meluncur sebuah gunung yang tertutup salju.
6.Snowman building= membangun sebuah boneka salju dengan kreasi tersendiri
Menurutmu manakah aktifitas yang paling mengasyikan.....?


  1. aku suka ski, snowball, snow building :)
    mau tapi ga bisa.. T.T

  2. Sama dong soalnya di Indonesia nggak ada salju apalangi musim dingin.....
